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1xbet online games login currently supports three high-quality, high-impact primary Phase 1 1xbet sports betti. All CNAP 1xbet online games login receive two to three years of funding and are expected to meet specific program milestones toward graduation to independent funding status.

brain regionsThe 1xbet online games login Previous 1xbet best casino website Grant provides funds to support smaller, short-term 1xbet online games login with a maximum budget of ,000 to ,000 in direct costs for seed pilot grants and 0,000 in direct costs for developmental pilot grants (plus institutional indirect costs at the current approved rate).

Over the first several years of 1xbet online games login , our investigators have studied a wide range of diseases and disorders that affect brain plasticity including aging and neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease), substance and alcohol use disorders, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, obesity, and hearing disorders. Researchers study brain function in preclinical models as well as conducting basic and clinical research in humans.

Brain regions and circuits studied by 1xbet online games login junior investigators