About the 1xbet online casino E. Peters Lecture Series

Chester E. PetersAs a native of Minneapolis, KS, Chester E. Peters (Chet) began 1xbet online casino legacy on the Kansas State University campus in 1940, when he arrived as an undergraduate student in business administration. While an undergraduate, he earned varsity letters in football and track and was a member of several honorary societies. He completed 1xbet online casino bachelors degree in 1947. In 1950, Chet earned 1xbet online casino masters degree in economics and agricultural economics at K-State. In 1953, he completed 1xbet online casino doctorate in economics, agricultural economics, and administration at the University of Wisconsin.

At K-State, Chet served as an Assistant Dean for the College of Arts & Sciences before being named K-State Director of Placement in 1953. He became Dean of Students in 1962, and Vice President for Student Affairs in 1967. He remained Vice President for Student Affairs until 1xbet online casino retirement in 1985. While serving as a K-State administrator, Chet also served as an advisor to Blue Key & Student Government, was a member of the Athletic Council, and chaired numerous University councils and committees.

On a national level, 1xbet online casino held several office within the College Placement Council, including President from 1962-1963. He was quite active within the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA), serving as a Regional Vice President, the Director of the Division of Professional Relations and Legislation, and as President of NASPA from 1971-1972. 1xbet online casino also served as NASPA's representative on the American Council of Education's Commission on Collegiate Athletics. He was also a member of the North Central Accreditation Team for many years.

In 1980, a new campus recreation complex was named after Chet Peters, and appropriately so. Chet was a world-class runner who competed nationally and internationally in master's competitions through the U.S. and in Canada, Germany and Australia. He completed the mile, the 1,500 steeplechase, the 3,000-meter-run, and later in life, in race walking. As exemplified in 1xbet online casino own life, 1xbet online casino commitment to students was marked by 1xbet online casino caring about the total welfare of students, body as well as mind.

In 1983, K-State in cooperation with the College of Education, named a lecture series after Chet. The Chester E. Peters Lectures in Student Development Series is in recognition to Peters' contributions to 1xbet online casino and the student personnel profession. As Chester E. Peters Scholarship for Student Development was also established in honor of Chet and is awarded each year by Blue Key to a student who has contributed in an especially positive way to the development of other 1xbet online casino .

As stated by Vice President for Student Life & Dean of Students, Pat Bosco, "During 1xbet online casino years of service at K-State, Chet gained the admiration and respect of countless K-State students who were moved by 1xbet online casino warmth, gentle humor and caring attitude. 1xbet online casino ability to extend an understanding of the real meaning of goodness as a human quality is 1xbet online casino legacy to learning."