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Prof. Ito

Welcome to the 1xbet sports betting Student Recruiting Homepage of the Department of Chemistry at Kansas State University!

To begin with, I would like to thank 1xbet sports betting for showing an interest in pursuing your advanced education here at Kansas State. I am certain 1xbet sports betting are currently looking at several different schools, and I want to draw your attention to a few things that could be very important to 1xbet sports betting as a prospective graduate student.

First, the Department is not too big, and as a result, our students enjoy and benefit from close interactions with faculty and staff in positive ways. 1xbet sports betting will get the attention and support required to be successful in your future career from your research advisor. Our students have pursued many different exciting career paths and have found employment in both academic and industrial settings after graduation. 1xbet sports betting can find our students' experiences at Meet the students 1xbet best cas.

Second, the Department is big enough to be able to perform world-class, cutting-edge 1xbet sports betting across a range of disciplines, as described on research 1xbet sports betting Themes. The 1xbet sports betting enterprise in the department incorporates modern interdisciplinary themes that facilitate collaboration, and also promote and foster creative and impactful ideas at the interface of fundamental and applied chemistry. 1xbet sports betting projects within the department span a broad range of 1xbet sports betting themes in areas such as energy and sustainability, chemical synthesis and catalysis, functional materials, biomolecular processes, and theory and computation. Our 1xbet sports betting projects aim not only to pursue new findings and fundamental understanding, but also to ultimately solve important societal problems that will improve quality of life and enhance sustainable economic development.

Third, our professors show remarkable enthusiasm for their 1xbet sports betting . We have KSU 1xbet online game to support our 1xbet sports betting . Our 1xbet sports betting projects are supported by various funding agencies such as the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Energy, and the Department of Defense. Our results and discoveries lead to publications in high-quality scientific journals, patents, and presentations at professional societies.

Fourth, as a graduate student, 1xbet sports betting will have the opportunity to join several student organizations with different important missions that will also help 1xbet sports betting in your professional development. Some student organizations include the American Chemical Society (ACS) KSU Local Section, phi 1xbet best casino website Lambda Upsilon at K-State, nobcche 1xbet best casino website, the Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) 1xbet sports betting Chapter, and others.

Of special interest to 1xbet sports betting may be the financial support for our graduate students. Our graduate students are supported as either graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) or graduate research assistants (GRAs). Typically, most students are expected to work as GTAs during the first year. 1xbet sports betting will enjoy our competitive stipends and relatively low living costs in 1xbet onli.

Applications to our Ph.D. program are submitted 1xbet sports betting 1xbet online. The application deadlines and other details are given in the 1xbe. Before starting the application process, I encourage 1xbet sports betting to contact one professor with whom 1xbet sports betting are interested in working. Please send your CV, research interests, and other relevant information so that the professor can give 1xbet sports betting some suggestions. In addition, please take special note of the following points:

  • We 1xbet sports betting start accepting applications on October 1. There are three application deadlines. We 1xbet sports betting accept applications for the PhD program (not MS) starting in fall (not in spring).

November 28: For full consideration for the Timothy R. Donoghue 1xbet sports betting Scholarship (,000/year add-on for 1 or 2 years) from the 1xbet sports betting School.

January 2: For full 1xbet sports betting (Recommendation letters should be received by January 8).

February 8: For full consideration of domestic applications & for additional 1xbet sports betting .

  • Though 1xbet sports betting are encouraged to contact a professor before applying, this does not constitute a commitment for 1xbet sports betting to work with that professor; it also does not guarantee that 1xbet sports betting will get a position in that research group. 1xbet sports betting will have a chance to meet and discuss with several professors in the first semester and will officially start working with your designated major professor in late November.
  • The GRE exam is not 1xbet sports betting , but submitting 1xbet sports betting GRE scores may make 1xbet sports betting application stronger.
  • International 1xbet sports betting (except those 1xbet sports betting countries listed engli): Please be sure that 1xbet sports betting satisfy the following English proficiency requirement for each of the four categories (not Chapter 1: admissions 1xbet online casino): For TOEFL (MyBest), listening/writing/reading ≥ 20 and speaking ≥ 22; For IELTS, listening/writing/reading ≥ 6.5 and speaking ≥ 7. We strongly encourage 1xbet sports betting to retake the TOEFL or IELTS if your score(s) are below the requirement.
  • The Department and 1xbet sports betting School will make a decision based on your personal statement, TOEFL or IELTS scores (if 1xbet sports betting are an international applicant), recommendation letters, and academic record.

We are very proud of the respectful interactions that we have between faculty and students at Kansas State University, and I have no doubt that 1xbet sports betting would prosper both as a scientist and as a person in this environment. If 1xbet sports betting need any further information, do not hesitate to get in touch with me via e-mail (ito@ksu.edu).

Best regards,

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Chair, 1xbet sports betting Student Recruiting and Admissions Committee