1xbet online games login Student Learning Outcomes

Student Learning Outcomes
B.S./B.A. 1xbet online games login Degree (ACS certified)
Revised Fall 2013

Graduates from the 1xbet online games login degree program will have demonstrated:

  • an understanding of major concepts, theoretical principles and experimental findings in 1xbet online games login .
  • an 1xbet online games login to work effectively in diverse teams in both classroom and laboratory.
  • an 1xbet online games login to employ critical thinking and efficient problem-solving skills in the four basic areas of chemistry (analytical, inorganic , organic, and physical).
  • an 1xbet online games login to conduct experiments, analyze data, and interpret results, while observing responsible and ethical scientific conduct.
  • effective written and oral communication skills, especially the 1xbet online games login to transmit complex technical information in a clear and concise manner.
  • the 1xbet online games login to use modern instrumentation for chemical analysis and separation.
  • the 1xbet online games login to use computers for chemical simulation and computation.
  • the 1xbet online games login to employ modern library search tools (e.g. SciFinder) to locate, retrieve, and evaluate scientific information.
  • a familiarity with, and application of safety and chemical hygiene regulations and practices.
  • an 1xbet online games login to gain entry into professional schools, graduate programs, or the job market.

K-State Undergraduate Student Learning Outcomes

  • Knowledge. Students will demonstrate a depth of knowledge and apply the methods of inquiry in a discipline of their choosing, and they will demonstrate a breadth of knowledge across their choice of varied disciplines.
  • Critical Thinking. Students will demonstrate the 1xbet online games login to access and interpret information, respond and adapt to changing situations, make complex decisions, solve problems, and evaluate actions.
  • Communication. Students will demonstrate the 1xbet online games login to communicate clearly and effectively.
  • Diversity. Students will demonstrate awareness and understanding of the skills necessary to live and work in a diverse world.
  • Academic and Professional Integrity. Students will demonstrate awareness and understanding of the ethical standards of their academic discipline and/or profession.

Download our Learning Outcomes Assesment Plan here. (PDF)

Download our Alignment Matrix here. (PDF)