Chemistry program 1xbet sports betting

The chemistry program is the preferred program for students who are preparing for graduate study in chemistry or who plan for employment as chemists. This program leads to the professional degree in chemistry as approved by the American Chemical Society. You can download a recommended schedule here.

Chemistry (39-41 hours) *

Hrs. Courses
5 1xbet sports betting 220 Chemical Principles I
5 1xbet sports betting 250 Chemical Principles II
4 1xbet sports betting 210 Chemistry I
4 1xbet sports betting 230 Chemistry II
4 1xbet sports betting 371 Chemical Analysis
3 1xbet sports betting 531 Organic Chemistry I
2 1xbet sports betting 532 Organic Chemistry lab
3 1xbet sports betting 550 Organic Chemistry II
3 1xbet sports betting 585 Physical Chemistry I
3 1xbet sports betting 595 Physical Chemistry II
3 1xbet sports betting 566 Instrumental Methods of Analysis
2 1xbet sports betting 596 Physical Methods lab
2 1xbet sports betting 657 Inorganic Techniques
3 1xbet sports betting 711 Inorganic Chemistry I
3 1xbet sports betting 712 Inorganic Chemistry II
2 1xbet sports betting 599 Senior Thesis Research

Mathematics (12 hours)

Hrs. Courses

4 MATH 220 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
4 MATH 221 Analytic Geometry and Calculus II
4 MATH 222 Analytic Geometry and Calculus III

Biochemistry (3 hours)

Hrs. Courses

3 BIOCH 521 General Biochemistry
3 BIOCH 755 Biochemistry I

Physics (10 hours)

Hrs. Courses

5 PHYS 213 Engineering Physics I
5 PHYS 214 Engineering Physics II

*1xbet sports betting 711 or 712 may be replaced with 1xbet sports betting 752 (Advanced Organic Chemistry, 3 hours). Alternatively, 1xbet sports betting 711 or 712 may be replaced with BIOCH 755, 756, and 765 (Biochemistry I, Biochemistry I lab, and Biochemistry II, 8 hours), in which case 1xbet sports betting 657 may be taken for 1 or 2 hours.