Chemical Science program 1xbet online sports betting

The chemical science program serves students who want a strong background in 1xbet online sports betting but who do not require as much specialization as provided by the 1xbet online sports betting program. You can download a recommended schedule here.

1xbet online sports betting (25-27 hours)

Hrs. Courses
5 CHM 220 Chemical Principles I
5 CHM 250 Chemical Principles II
4 CHM 210 1xbet online sports betting I
4 CHM 230 1xbet online sports betting II
4 CHM 371 Chemical Analysis

3 CHM 531 Organic 1xbet online sports betting I
2 CHM 532 Organic 1xbet online sports betting lab
3 CHM 550 Organic 1xbet online sports betting II

3 CHM 500 General Physical 1xbet online sports betting
3 CHM 585 Physical 1xbet online sports betting I

3 CHM 566 Instrumental Methods of Analysis
1 CHM 596 Physical Methods lab


3 CHM 315 Environmental Science: A 1xbet online sports betting Perspective
1 CHM 316 Environmental Science: A 1xbet online sports betting Perspective Laboratory

Biochemistry (5 hours)

Hrs. Courses

3 BIOCH 521 General Biochemistry
2 BIOCH 522 General Biochemistry lab

Mathematics (8 hours)

Hrs. Courses

4 MATH 220 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
4 MATH 221 Analytic Geometry and Calculus II

Physics (8 hours)

Hrs. Courses

4 PHYS 113 General Physics I
4 PHYS 114 General Physics II