1xbet online sports betting BS/MBA Program

This program leads to the professional degree in 1xbet online sports betting , American Chemical Society approved, and a business MBA. You can download a recommended schedule here.

1xbet online sports betting (#-# hours) *

Hrs. Courses
5 CHM 220 Chemical Principles I
5 CHM 250 Chemical Principles II
4 CHM 210 1xbet online sports betting I
4 CHM 230 1xbet online sports betting II
4 CHM 371 Chemical Analysis
3 CHM 531 Organic 1xbet online sports betting I
2 CHM 532 Organic 1xbet online sports betting lab
3 CHM 550 Organic 1xbet online sports betting II
3 CHM 585 Physical 1xbet online sports betting I
3 CHM 595 Physical 1xbet online sports betting II
3 CHM 566 Instrumental Methods of Analysis
2 CHM 596 Physical Methods lab
2 CHM 599 Senior Thesis Research
1 CHM 601 Safe Chemical Lab
3 CHM 811 Inorganic 1xbet online sports betting I
3 CHM 812 Inorganic 1xbet online sports betting II
3 BIOCH 765 Biochemistry II
CHM 657 Inorganic Techniques
2 Credits, unless Biochemistry Lab taken then 1 credit
3 CHM 852 Advanced Organic 1xbet online sports betting
3 CHM 920 Analytical Separations

Business and related courses
(27 hours)

Hrs. Courses

3 ACCTG 810 Foundation of Accounting
3 ECON 815 Economic Analysis
3 GENBA 890 Business Capstone
3 MKTG 810 Marketing Concepts
3 FINAN 815 Financial Foundations
3 MANGT 810 Oper & Supply Chain
3 MANGT 820 Managing Org Behav
3 MANGT 860 Managing Triple BL
3 MANGT 880 Business Strategy

(12 hours)

Hrs. Courses

4 MATH 220 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
4 MATH 221 Analytic Geometry and Calculus II
4 MATH 222 Analytic Geometry and Calculus III

Biochemistry (3 hours)

Hrs. Courses

3 BIOCH 521 General Biochemistry
3 BIOCH 755 Biochemistry I

Physics (10 hours)

Hrs. Courses

5 PHYS 213 Engineering Physics I
5 PHYS 214 Engineering Physics II

*Note, the MBA requires 9 elective hours at 600 level or above in any department*