departmental 1xbet online games login Seminars

All lectures are in King 4 at 1:05 pm unless indicated otherwise

February 1, 2024 (Zoom)

Lisa Fredin

Lehigh University


Modeling Photoactive Organic 1xbet online games login

Host: Dr. Aikens

February 8, 2024

Juergen Richt

Kansas State University, Department of Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology

The COBRE Center on Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases and Its Core Facilities

Host: Dr. Aakeroy

February 22, 2024

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Kansas State University

Elucidating Nanoparticle Optical Properties using Theoretical 1xbet online games login

Host: Dr. Aakeroy

February 22, 2024

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Kansas State University

Elucidating Nanoparticle Optical Properties using Theoretical 1xbet online games login

Host: Dr. Aakeroy

February 29, 2024

Research overv

Kansas State University

Recent 1xbet online games login in Organofluorine and Sulfur Dioxide Chemistry

Host: Dr. Smith

March 7, 2024

Contracted employ

EHS, Kansas State University

Hazard Assessments for Laboratories

Host: Dr. Karunaweera

March 14, 2024

Spring Break - No Seminar

March 21, 2024

ACS Spring 2024

March 28, 2024

Emilie Guidez
University of Colorado, Denver
Development of Multilayer Adaptive Partitioning 1xbet online games login to Model Ion Transport
Host: Dr. Aikens

April 4, 2024

Osvaldo Gutierrez
Texas A&M University
1xbet online games login : The Advent and Recent Developments of Fe-Catalyzed Multicomponent Cross-Coupling Reactions
Host: Dr. Munoz

April 11, 2024

Omar K. Farha
Northwestern University
1xbet online games login : Smart and Programmable Sponges from Basic Science to Implementation and Commercialization
Host: PLU

April 18, 2024

Daniel Nomura
University of California, Berkeley
1xbet online games login : Reimagining Druggability Using Chemoproteomic Platforms
Host: Dr. Ping Li

April 25, 2024

Aaron Teator
University of Kansas
1xbet online games login : A Functional Materials Platform Based on Amide Activation
Host: Dr. Calvo

May 2, 2024

Wesley Bernskoetter
University of Missouri, Columbia
1xbet online games login : Valorizing Carbon Dioxide Value via C-C Bond Forming Reactions
Host: Dr. Sues

May 13, 2024 (1:00–2:00pm)

Masaki Uchida
California State University, Fresno
1xbet online games login : Cage-Like Proteins as Platforms for Bioinspired Materials Synthesis
Host: Dr. Jun Li