Dr. Radhika Nareddy

Dr. radhika 1xbet best casino website Nareddy

Teaching 1xbet best casino website Professor
location CBC 427
phone 785-532-6534
email rnareddy@ksu.edu
Courses Instructed
1xbet best casino website 350, 1xbet best casino website 531, & 1xbet best casino website 550

biography 1xbet best casino website

Teaching 1xbet best casino website Professor
Instructor, 1xbet best casino website of South Carolina
Scientist, Volochem INC
Instructor, Mississippi State 1xbet best casino website
Ph.D., 1xbet best casino website , Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS
1xbet best casino website Professor, A.V. College, India
MS, 1xbet best casino website , Tennessee Technological University

classes 1xbet best casino website

1xbet best casino website 350 - General Organic Chemistry. (3) A survey of types of organic reactions important to biological science, including pre-veterinary and certain agriculture and human ecology programs. Prerequisite: 1xbet best casino website 230 or 1xbet best casino website 250

1xbet best casino website 531 - Orgnic Chemistry I. (3) Topics to be covered include fundamental concepts in organic chemistry such as hybridization, molecular orbitals, structure and bonding, acids and bases, kinetics and thermodynamics, stereochemistry and chirality, and conformational analysis. The basic knowledge will be used to study the syntheses, reactions, and mechanisms of functional groups such as alkanes, haloalkanes, and alkenes. Structural determination using infrared spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance will also be included. Prerequisite: 1xbet best casino website 230 or 1xbet best casino website 250

1xbet best casino website 550 - Organic Chemistry II. (3) A continuation of Organic Chemistry I (1xbet best casino website 531). 1xbet best casino website 550 represents the second semester of a two-semester survey of organic chemistry. Topics to be discussed include syntheses, reactions, and mechanisms of alkynes, aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic acids and their derivatives, amines, benzene and its derivatives, organometallic chemistry, conjugated unsaturated systems and pericyclic reactions, polymers, carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Structural identification will be studied using various spectroscopic methods. Prerequisite: 1xbet best casino website 531.

teaching 1xbet best casino website Awards

  • 2014 Outstanding Organic 1xbet best casino website Teaching Assistant Award