"Integrating 1xbet online casino Across All We Do" Grant

Grant Call

K-State Arts and Sciences Integrating 1xbet online casino Across All We Do

Application due date: June 3rd, 2024
Award period: June 15th, 2024 - June 15th, 2026

Tier 1 award: ,000
Tier 2 award: ,000

IEAAWDK-State Office of 1xbet online casino , the College of Arts and Sciences, and the Chapman Center for Rural Studies seek proposals to support community 1xbet online casino efforts in the college. Scholarly 1xbet online casino is defined as work which “...forms partnerships of faculty, students and communities to put knowledge and skills to work on today’s most critical problems.”1 Funding will support efforts to build connections with communities through RSCAD, teaching, and service to create community impact. Applications should identify 1xbet online casino or potential 1xbet online casino (ex: school systems, businesses or business groups, organizations, non-profits, museums, government entities, etc...), as well as locations of 1xbet online casino and/or potential connections to Extension. Faculty supporting the project must have permanent appointments in the College of Arts and Sciences and applications must include signatures from relevant department heads indicating support for the program/project.

Tier 1: Funding of up to 00, with the potential for renewal in the second year, will be awarded to support individual faculty who wish to offer students an applied learning experience by infusing community 1xbet online casino into an existing course offered in regular rotation within their department. The course should be scheduled to be offered at least once per year during funding. Funding may be used as summer salary to support course redesign and/or to fund classroom needs such as travel or equipment. To apply, send a one-page white paper to chapmancenter@ksu.edu with a brief course description, a description of how 1xbet online casino will be incorporated into the class, the central problem that the course addresses, community partners or potential partners, and potential impact of the 1xbet online casino activity.

Please also specify whether relationships with 1xbet online casino are already established or if assistance would be needed in connecting with 1xbet online casino . Please also include the course title, course number, typical schedule for course offering, and typical student enrollment cap.

Tier 2: Funding of up to ,000, with the potential of renewal in the second year, will be awarded to departments or teams seeking to expand or launch a program or project centered on 1xbet online casino . To apply, please send a one-page white paper to chapmancenter@ksu.edu. The application should specify:

    1. Project title and description: Identify a central problem/opportunity that will be addressed.
    2. Projected impact of community 1xbet online casino : Identify any services or deliverables involved, along with any other expected impacts.
    3. Collaborative team: Identify external partners, student involvement, , and whether partnerships are already established or if assistance in forming partnerships would be needed.
    4. Timeline and budget: Provide the project timeline and expenses.

The CCRS is an award-winning center for public 1xbet online casino . We especially value proposals that engage the K-State Next-Gen strategic plan, including Theme 5 (Integrating 1xbet online casino Across All We Do), Imperative 3 (provide applied learning experiences for K-State students), Imperative 4 (grow interdisciplinary research), or Imperative 7 (are positive force for Kansans).

Grant recipients will also receive access to:

    • Chapman Center facilities and resources including:
        • Classroom and library space
        • iPad
        • Recording Equipment
        • Lighting
        • Cameras
        • Scanning Equipment and more
    • Media and Design Support

Questions or clarifications should be directed to Dr. Mary Kohn (kohn@ksu.edu).

Download this grant call PDF here.

1 Returning to Our Roots: The Engaged Institution, Kellogg Commission Report, 1999, https://engagementscholarship.org/about/what-is-1xbet online casino -scholarship