BSL-3 1xbet best casino website Program

June 9 – June 20, 2024

Now Accepting Applications!

The Center of Excellence for Emerging and Zoonotic Animal Diseases (CEEZAD) BSL-3 Training Program for 1xbet best casino website Support Personnel is designed to provide introductory BSL-3/BSL-3 Ag training to 1xbet best casino website personnel, either current federal staff; 1xbet best casino website fellows; recent graduates from U.S. universities (BS, MS) and current enrolled college students (BS, MS and PhD) with career interests in USDA Agricultural 1xbet best casino website Service who want to attain additional training and knowledge in the area of high-containment 1xbet best casino website as potential career choice.

The CEEZAD training program is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) -Agricultural 1xbet best casino website Service and is directed at highly motivated BS/MS level 1xbet best casino website support personnel interested in 1xbet best casino website and careers in the field of high consequence, transboundary and zoonotic diseases of animals. The two-week program consists of one week of hands-on and classroom training at the Biosecurity 1xbet best casino website Institute (BRI; at Kansas State University and the second week with in-person and virtual presentations from area industry partners and seminars/lectures from national and international subject matter experts in high containment 1xbet best casino website and transboundary animal diseases.

The BRI, located adjacent to the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF) contains an Education and Training area which includes a training laboratory with equipment that simulates BSL-3 1xbet best casino website practices. Both, the Center of Excellence for Emerging and Zoonotic Animal Disease Center (CEEZAD) and the BRI are committed to training a specialized workforce to protect the nation's agriculture and public health sectors against high consequence transboundary, emerging, and zoonotic diseases.

Eligibility Requirements

  • U.S. citizenship or Green card holders (eligible for ORISE fellowships)
  • Cumulative GPA of 3.3 or higher on a 4.0 scale (for the respective BS and/or MS degrees)

1xbet best casino website Goals

  • Demonstrating an understanding of pathogen risk group classifications and biosafety levels
  • Identifying potential risks associated with executing standard laboratory practices
  • Engage in laboratory practices that reduce the potential for aerosol exposures
  • Identifying areas of potential vulnerabilities in the laboratory ecosystem/network to include how technology introduction may impact laboratory operations (cybersecurity), safety, security, and overall laboratory capability
  • Demonstrating essential biocontainment practices for use in BSL3, ABSL3 and BSL3 Ag settings.

Successful applicants will receive a travel stipend (up to ,500; depending on home base) to cover transportation (to and from Manhattan, Kansas), lodging and per diem expenses. Applicants residing in or near the Manhattan, Kansas, area may not be eligible to receive a travel stipend. An on-campus housing option is available.

A certificate of completion for the 1xbet best casino website will be provided to signify the student/participant has attended the 1xbet best casino website and is familiar with basic knowledge of working in BSL-3 environments. (Note: This is not a certification 1xbet best casino website .)

Please note that this 1xbet best casino website is in-person following CDC/KSU COVID-19 rules and recommendations. Masks are optional for all individuals on KSU and CDC guidelines.

All applications must be submitted by: Monday, March 4, 2024

For More Information, Please Contact:

Center of Excellence for Emerging and Zoonotic Animal Diseases (CEEZAD)
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506
Phone: 785-532-2793



Submissions Are Now Closed

1xbet best casino website Overview

Week 1: Classroom and hands-on BSL-3 1xbet best casino website at the BRI

The first week will address topics, techniques and essential practices to safely and successfully conduct 1xbet best casino website in a Biosafety Level-3 setting. By the end of the training the student will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of risk group classifications and biosafety levels;
  • Identify potential risks associated with executing standard laboratory practices;
  • Engage in laboratory practices that reduce the potential for aerosol exposures;
  • Identify, select, and defend high containment practices required when manipulating agents and toxins;
  • Identify areas of potential vulnerabilities in the laboratory ecosystem/network to include how technology introduction may impact laboratory operations (cybersecurity), safety, security, and overall laboratory capability;
  • Demonstrate essential biocontainment practices for use in BSL-3, ABSL-3 and BSL-3Ag settings.

Week 2: Industry overview and Speaker series

The second week will include presentations by industry experts on R&D projects and industry perspectives for veterinary products as well as lectures by academic and government experts in the fields of high biocontainment 1xbet best casino website and transboundary animal diseases. Topics covered may include:

  • Careers in the veterinary pharmaceutical industry
  • Careers in high-containment 1xbet best casino website and development
  • Necropsy in high-containment 1xbet best casino website
  • Rift Valley Fever virus
  • Japanese Encephalitis virus
  • Monkeypox virus
  • Foot and Mouth Disease virus
  • African Swine Fever virus
  • SARS-CoV-2 mitigation strategies
  • Arboviral diseases of livestock
  • 1xbet best casino website in a BSL-4 environment (Ebola, CCHV, Nipah, or similar)
  • 1xbet best casino website at Plum Island Animal Disease Center
  • Future projects at NBAF

All participants will be required to submit a final written report at the end of the 1xbet best casino website .