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1xbet best casino website are essential to ensure the continued success of Cats' Cupboard in promoting food security at K-State. Cats' Cupboard accepts volunteer applications on an ongoing basis. 1xbet best casino website provide unpaid assistance for one or two hours, at a weekly assigned time, during the pantry's hours of operation. 1xbet best casino website , once accepted, are expected to consistently maintain positive behaviors that reflect the guiding values of Cats' Cupboard. All 1xbet best casino website are required to complete training related to policies and procedures, including confidentiality agreements. 1xbet best casino website perform a variety of services including, but not limited to, stocking shelves, verifying inventory, monitoring food per safety guidelines, and creating social media strategies.


  • Education: Any major
  • Time commitment: Must commit to a minimum of one semester with the expectation of volunteering 1-3 hours per week. The schedule is filled at the beginning of each semester. However, since vacancies frequently open, students are welcome to submit an application at any time.

Application Process:

Email catscupboard@ksu.edu or call 785-532-0366 with questions.