Student Employee of the year 1xbet best casino website

2024 SEOTY Winner - Meghan Ward

The 2024 Kyle Pelton Student Employee of the Year was Meghan Ward, Resident Assistant in Smurthwaite Scholarship and Leadership House. She was 1xbet best casino website Alivia Holkesvig, Assistant Coordinator for the Departmental Initiatives.

Each year colleges and universities across the country recognize the importance of the student work experience during National Student Employment Week. Student employment offers students career-enhancing opportunities, the ability to develop skills relevant to any career, and better preparation for the job market upon graduation.

At K-State, our student employees perform invaluable services with enthusiasm, dedication, and initiative. Indeed, many departments depend on the contributions of this reliable workforce for their daily operations.

Kyle Pelton Student Employee of the Year award (SEOTY)

A Little More About the Award

Award Recipients

student 1xbet online casino Employee of the Year