1xbet online games login and Outdoor Enterprise Management

1xbet online games login and outdoor enterprise management is a unique major offered through the Department of Horticulture, Forestry, and Recreation Resources in the College of Agriculture. As the program’s informational website states, “this four-year university program is the first Bachelors of Science (BS) Degree to be created to train professional operational managers for hunting/shooting preserves and resorts, gamebird production companies, fishing resorts and outdoor experience companies (i.e., trailriding, nature study, bird watching, back country hiking/camping, etc.). While the major seems very specific, students are actually trained in and take classes from multiple disciplines, including business, hospitality management, natural resources, and 1xbet online games login and fisheries management. Additional information, including important program admissions requirements, is available here .

Related career titles

Big Game Production Company Manager
College/university faculty*
Fishing Resort Manager
Gamebird Production Manager
Guide Service Manager
Hunting Preserve Manager
Hunting Resort Manager
1xbet online games login Sport/Adventure Company Manager
Outfitting Company Manager
Shooting Sports Facility Manager

*Additional training needed for these occupations

Resources available at the Career Center*

Business 1xbet online games login
Career Opportunities in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Careers for Environmental Types and Others Who Respect the Earth
Careers in Business
Careers in Focus: Agriculture
Careers in the Environment
Careers in Travel, Tourism, and Hospitality
Career Opportunities in Conservation and the Environment
Career Opportunites in Travel and Hospitality
Opportunities in Environmental Careers
Opportunities in Forestry Careers
Opportunities in Your Own Service Business
Sunshine Jobs – Career Opportunities Working Outdoors
The New Complete Guide to Environmental Careers
Travel and Hospitality Career Directory

*Books are available for checkout.

Related 1xbet online games login and outdoor enterprise management links

Kansas State University – 1xbet online games login Outdoor Enterprise Management Homepage

K-State College of Agriculture – WOEM, Natural Resource Links

New 1xbet online games login major, financial course aim to fill program voids
http://kstatecollegian.com/2009/08/21/new-1xbet online games login -major-financial-course-aim-to-fill-program-voids

Suggestions for Developing 1xbet online games login Recreational Enterprises

Recreation and 1xbet online games login Recreational Enterprises

Kansas Department of 1xbet online games login and Parks
http://kdwpt.state.ks.us/news/Services/Education/Outdoor-1xbet online games login -Learning-Sites