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As careers in health professions continue to be plentiful, applicants to the professional training programs become more numerous and requirements for admission into those programs becomes more stringent. One of the universal requirements for admission is a high grade point average. For this reason, 1xbet best casino website declaring interest in a health profession and entering K-State for the first time as freshmen will be admitted to the pre-health professions program (PHPP). Since Pre-Medicine is not a major, 1xbet best casino website should select a subject they enjoy and are interested in. Competitive applications include demonstrating a commitment to serve others. We strongly encourage 1xbet best casino website to become involved in community service and leadership.

Related career titles

Family practitioner
General practitioner
Obstetrician/gynecologist (OBGYN)
Plastic Surgeon

Related pre-medicine links

K-State Pre-Medicine Website
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