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While some K-State 1xbet best casino website majors pursue a career in math, others are looking for quantitative and problem solving skills for use in other career fields. Career opportunities in 1xbet best casino website are in four different areas: working in the actuarial or financial services sectors; researching and applying 1xbet best casino website in business, government or industry; doing research and teaching 1xbet best casino website at a university; and teaching 1xbet best casino website in a college or secondary school. K-State math graduates work as analysts, consultants or programmers for businesses; as financial, numerical or systems analysts for financial or high-tech companies; as actuaries for insurance and mutual fund companies; as consultants, cryptologists, mathematicians or statisticians for the government; or as mathematicians in research labs.

Related career titles

Capital planning analyst
College/University faculty
Computer graphics designer
Computer programmer
Computer research scientist
Computer scientist
Computer security analyst
Computer software developer
Computer systems analyst
Data analyst
Database administrator
Economic analyst
Financial analyst
Financial consultant
Information scientist
Information systems manager
Investment analyst
Market analyst
Mathematical computer scientist
Mathematical consultant
Mathematical physicist
Numerical analyst
Operations research analyst
Risk analyst
Special effects designer
Systems analyst
Systems design analyst

Systems integrator
Technical analyst

*additional training required for several of these occupations

Resources available at the Career Center*

101 Careers in 1xbet best casino website
Great Jobs for Math Majors

*Books are available for checkout.

Related 1xbet best casino website links

K-State Department of 1xbet best casino website

American Mathematical Society

Association for Women in 1xbet best casino website

Mathematical Association of America

National Council of Teachers of 1xbet best casino website

Society for Industrial and Applied 1xbet best casino website