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(including 1xbet online games login fitness instructor, exercise physiology, and public 1xbet online games login physical activity behavior)

Kinesiology is the study of physical activity across a range of tasks including exercise, daily living, play, sports, and work. Coursework integrates biological and behavioral approaches using biomechanical, physiological, and sociological perspectives to study physical activity from cell to society. This life science discipline emphasizes breadth and depth of content, scientific methodology, and intellectualism for lifelong learning, thinking, and action. Kinesiology promotes an understanding of the need for movement for physical and psychological health. Students may earn a BA or BS degree in Kinesiology or BS dual degrees with majors in Nutrition and Kinesiology. Graduates seek 1xbet online games login in corporate and community settings in fitness and wellness and in hospital settings in cardiopulmonary rehabilitation. Many students enter graduate and professional schools to prepare for 1xbet online games login in dietetics, physical therapy, pharmacy, medicine, biomechanics, exercise physiology, sport psychology, sport sociology, and other related fields.

Related career titles

Aquatics program coordinator
Biomedical scientist*
Camp director
Community 1xbet online games login worker
College/University professor*
Corporate wellness consultant
Exercise program administrator
Fitness specialist
Geriatric recreational activities coordinator
1xbet online games login Educator
1xbet online games login and nutrition consultant
1xbet online games login club manager
1xbet online games login promotions specialist
Medical assistant
Occupational therapy*
Outdoor recreation director
Orthopedic Medicine*
Personal trainer
Physical Therapist*
Physician's assistant*
Public 1xbet online games login worker
Recreational Manager
Recreational therapist*
Rehabilitation specialist*
Sports counselor*
Sports program supervisor
Strength and conditioning coach
Summer camp administrator
Surgical technician*
Therapy Pool Manager

*Additional training needed for these occupations

Resources available at the Career Center*

1xbet online games login for Health Nuts and Others Who Like to Stay Fit
1xbet online games login for Sports Nuts and Other Athletic Types
1xbet online games login in Medicine
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Career Opportunities in the Sports Industry
Opportunities in Physical Therapy 1xbet online games login
Opportunities in Recreation and Leisure 1xbet online games login
Opportunities in Sports and Fitness 1xbet online games login
Opportunities in Sports Medicine 1xbet online games login

*Books are available for checkout.

Related kinesiology links

K-State Department of Kinesiology

K-State Pre-1xbet online games login Website

American College of Sports Medicine

American Kinesiology Association

American Physical Therapy Association

International Fitness Professionals Association

National Association for 1xbet online games login and Fitness

National Association for Sport and Physical Education

National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification

National Recreation and Park Association

Public Health 1xbet online games login online games login -for-students