Health and Human 1xbet sports betting

(includes Family and Consumer 1xbet sports betting education licensure program)

A major in health and human 1xbet sports betting prepares students for careers in education, Extension and other professions. Students take courses that provide a broad background in health and human 1xbet sports betting and integrate knowledge for an understanding of human needs, environments, and relationships. Students can complete requirements for teacher licensure in family and consumer 1xbet sports betting to teach in middle schools and high schools, or can complete a specialization to prepare for careers in Extension, community and social services, or business.

Related career titles

Adult educator
College/University Professor*
Community consultant
Cooperative extension agent
Curriculum developer
Employee training program coordinator
Family and consumer 1xbet sports betting teacher
High School Teacher
Middle School Teacher
Service coordinator
Youth services coordinator

*Additional training required for these occupations

Resources available at the Career Center*

Careers for Caring People and Other Sensitive Types
Careers for Good Samaritans and Other Humanitarian Types
The Nonprofit Career Guide
Opportunities in Home Economics Careers

*Books are available for checkout.

Related health and human 1xbet sports betting links

K-State College of Health and Human 1xbet sports betting

American Association of Family and Consumer 1xbet sports betting

National Extension Association of Family and Consumer 1xbet sports betting

USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture

National 4-H Council

K-State Research and Extension