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A major in hospitality management prepares students for professional 1xbet online games login in hotel and restaurant management by providing theory-based instruction and practical experience. Graduates need a liberal-general education, an understanding of business administration, specialized technical knowledge of hotel and food service management, and practical experience in the industry. Graduates from the hospitality management programs choose career opportunities ranging from management of elegant resort hotels to specialty restaurants.

Related career titles

Banquet manager
Conference coordinator
Convention services director
Event planner
Food and beverage director
General manager
Lodging manager
Marketing/promotions coordinator
Operations manager
Personnel director
Purchasing manager
Sales director

Resources available at the Career Center*

Career Opportunities in Travel and Hospitality
1xbet online games login in Focus: Entrepreneurs
Opportunities in Home Economics 1xbet online games login
1xbet online games login in Travel, Tourism, and Hospitality
Opportunities in Event Planning 1xbet online games login
Opportunities in Hotel and Motel Management 1xbet online games login
Start Your Restaurant Career
Career Opportunities in the food and Beverage Industry
Career Opportunities in the Travel Industry
Opportunities in Restaurant 1xbet online games login
Travel and Hospitality Career Directory

*Books are available for checkout.

Related 1xbet online games login links

K-State Department of 1xbet online games login

Hospitality Net

American Hotel and Lodging Association

Hotel Online

International Hotel & Restaurant Association

National Restaurant Association

Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education

Kansas Restaurant and Hospitality Association