1xbet online games login Science and Management

The field of 1xbet online games login and 1xbet online games login technology is rapidly changing. The 1xbet online games login science and management program at K-State will prepare you to be a professional constructor and competent resources manager. With the effective supervision of resources such as manpower, materials, equipment, time and money, you can effectively meet project expectations of quality, safety, scheduling and cost.

Employment opportunities are diversified and are available not only in the 1xbet online games login industry, but also in related fields such as the building material industry and land development. With a degree in 1xbet online games login science and management, you can choose to specialize in different aspects of the 1xbet online games login field – general, heavy, highway, utility, or specialty 1xbet online games login .

Possible Career Paths and Specializations

1xbet online games login Manager
1xbet online games login Estimating, Scheduling, & Operations
1xbet online games login and Building Inspector
1xbet online games login Laborers

Related 1xbet online games login science and management links

K-State Department of 1xbet online games login Science and Management

Associated General Contractors (AGC)

Mechanical Contractors Association of America (MCAA)

The 1xbet online games login Specifications Institute

American Society for Engineering Education

1xbet online games login Science and Management is accredited by the American Council for 1xbet online games login Education.