1xbet online casino Listing Policy

The K-State Career 1xbet online casino retains the right to refuse any job posting. Opportunities that may be declined typically contain one or more of the following components:

  • Request for excessive outlay of personal funding required to obtain a position
  • Requiring, at the time of application, personal information such as bank and social security numbers
  • Misrepresentation by dishonest information or absence of information
  • Non-specific email address as a contact (ie: @yahoo or @gmail)
  • Questionable 1xbet online casino duties
  • No payment unless student recruits others to participate (pyramid)
  • Internship postings should be in compliance with Polic
  • Application process is not clearly outlined
  • Positions not likely of interest to college students or alumni
  • Complaints by students, alumni, or staff
  • Breach of confidentiality
  • Independent contracting or network marketing organizations are not eligible for use of Handshake
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