Conduct 1xbet online games login Sessions

Please see this Visitors and events 1xbet online for the safety of our students and community.


An 1xbet online games login Session provides you with an opportunity to promote awareness and build excitement about your organization. Many companies use this time to preview their organization using videos, presentations, web pages and/or question and answer sessions, to reduce the amount of time spent profiling their organization in an interview. 1xbet online games login Sessions may be held the evening before your on-campus interviews or scheduled another time of the school year to enhance your brand recognition among students.



Employers are able to facilitate an online 1xbet online games login session with their own technology or may reach out to the K-State Career Center for assistance. Please post your events on Handshake so students can see and RSVP. More 1xbet online games login about posting events on Handshake can be found here.

Berney Family Welcome Center

The The door to 1xbet best casino offers many options for hosting receptions, 1xbet online games login sessions or events for students to learn about your company and meet your representatives. Review your options and book a space online today.

K-State Student Union

The K-State Student Union is the most commonly used facility for 1xbet online games login Sessions. The Union has a variety of rooms available to include meeting rooms, auditoriums, dining rooms, a ballroom, courtyard and several lounges. Most rooms are equipped with a 10baseT Ethernet jack for computer connections. Audio/Visual equipment such as DVDs, TVs, LCD projectors, and white boards are also available.


Employers who have made on-campus recruiting arrangements through Career Center are eligible for the union's university room rate. Contact the on-campus interview coordinator at 785-532-1680 for more 1xbet online games login .


  • Post your 1xbet online games login session via your 1xbet online casin.
  • Your event will be publicized to K-State students via our online system.
  • Your 1xbet online games login session will be visible to on-campus interview candidates when they login to their Handshake account.
  • We encourage you to contact pre-selected on-campus interview candidates via email about your 1xbet online games login session arrangements.
  • You may also wish to publicize your visit to campus by advertising in K-State's student newspaper, Kansas State Collegian. You can contact the advertising department directly at 785-370-6357.

Special Notice

Please note that the Career Center supports and endorses the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) professional conduct principles that states "serving alcohol should not be part of the recruitment process."