K-State post-graduation 1xbet sports betting Statistics

Each year the 1xbet sports betting compiles information about the first destinations of recent K-State graduates. The data provided below is collected up to six months after graduation from degree recipients. Most of the data is self-reported, although it is also solicited from employers, faculty, and other sources to ensure good report reliability with a typical knowledge rate of more than 80% of the graduating class. The term "knowledge rate" defines the percent of graduates for which the institution has reasonable and verifiable information concerning the graduates' post graduation career activities. The "post graduate/career outcomes rate" is the percentage of graduates in the following categories

  • Employed full time or part time
  • Participating in a program of voluntary service
  • Serving in the U.S. Armed Forces
  • Enrolled in a program of continuing education

See the NACE first-destination standards and protocols for more details about our data collection and reporting processes.

To see details in addition to the snapshot below, view the employers, education or Salary dashboards.
