Attend upcoming 1xbet online sports betting Center Events

March 4, 2024 - The 1xbet online sports betting Center invites students from all majors to attend our two upcoming events: Employer Pitch Night: Law, Justice and Social Sciences 1xbet online sports betting Pathways and the Education Meet and Greet. These events are tailored to meeting students' needs by connecting them with employers in their 1xbet online sports betting pathways.

“During the law, justice, and social services employer pitch night, students will have the opportunity to engage with employers in these industries, explore diverse 1xbet online sports betting paths, and gain invaluable insights into the fields of law, justice, and social services. This event is a platform for students to network, learn, and discover new opportunities that will shape their future careers in making a meaningful impact on society,” said Paulicia Bender, Assistant Director and liaison to the College of Architecture, Planning and Design. The Employer Pitch Night will be held on Tuesday, March 5 at 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m via zoom. Visit Handshake to learn more about the employers.

The Education Meet and Greet offers an informal and virtual platform for students interested in pursuing careers in education to engage with school districts beyond traditional 1xbet online sports betting fairs. With breakout rooms assigned to each district, students can explore various opportunities and network with representatives from multiple districts. “Whether you're an online student or studying on-campus, we encourage you to take advantage of this event to learn more about the rewarding 1xbet online sports betting pathways available in Kansas school districts. See you there”, said Tiffany Coetzee, 1xbet online sports betting advisor and liaison to the College of Education. The Education Meet and Greet will be held on Thursday, March 7 at 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. via zoom. We encourage all 1xbet online sports betting to view the list of school districts on Handshake before the event.

If you have any questions about the events above, please contact Anthony YBarra at