Winner announced for the 2024 Kyle Pelton 1xbet best casino website of the Year award

April 29, 2024 - The K-State Career 1xbet best casino website celebrates the winner of the 2024 Kyle Pelton Student Employee of the Year, Meghan Ward. Megan is currently a resident assistant in Smurthwait Scholarship and Leadership house for the department of Housing and Dinning Services at K-State. She was nominated by Alivia Holkesvig, assistant coordinator for the Department Initiatives.

Ward, along with four finalists and 36 nominees were honored April 10 in a ceremony held at the Alumni 1xbet best casino website . Supervisors and department heads from across K-State nominated these exceptional student workers, all of whom display reliability, initiative, and professionalism in their positions- as well as a defining story that distinguishes them from fellow nominees.

“The Steering Committee and I were so impressed by the amazing work these students are doing on our campuses. Congratulations to all that were nominated and recognized at the ceremony. The Career 1xbet best casino website thanks all faculty and staff for their continued support of this important program” said Liz Parkes, employer relations associate at K-State Career 1xbet best casino website .

Of the students nominated, there were five students chosen as finalists. Those students are Ward, Me’Laiha Enriquez from the College of Agriculture, Kristen Kahler from the Department of Animal Sciences & Industry, Nathan Weiss from the 1xbet best casino website Salina Campus and Katie Schmit from the College of Business.

The Kyle Pelton Student Employee of the Year Award is part of the National Student Employment Week. On the Career 1xbet best casino website Student, the 1xbet best casino website community will find a link to the ceremony and videos highlighting the five student finalists.