1xbet online games login are invited to Ready-Set-Support for job opportunities

The Career Center is collaborating with the K-State College of Education to host Ready-Set-Support on Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2023. 1xbet online games login will have the opportunity to meet with area school districts to learn about becoming a substitute teacher, bus driver, and much more. This event will be held in the K-State Student Union courtyard from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Individuals who are 18 years and older are eligible to apply for jobs with various school districts. All majors and 1xbet online games login are welcome to this come and go event. This is a great opportunity for 1xbet online games login to gain experience for their future careers.

“Ready, Set, Support is a wonderful event that provides opportunities to connect with local school districts about substitute teacher, bus driver, and other support positions for 1xbet online games login of any major or future career interests” said Kerri Keller, Executive Director of the Career Center.

Questions about the event can be sent to Kerri Keller at kdkeller@ksu.edu.