Students are Invited to the Professional 1xbet sports betting this Week

Oct. 10 - The Professional 1xbet sports betting provides an opportunity for students to prepare for the next step in their careers, leading to graduate and professional degrees. The event will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023, from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the K-State Student Union Courtyard & 1st Floor Concourse. At the event, you will be able to get information from over 40 educational programs and opportunities provided through a variety of schools. Students and alumni are encouraged to attend, regardless of major or graduation year!

The Career Center partnered with the Pre-Professional Advising Center to host this event for the first time given that nearly 20% of college graduates reported furthering education from the 2021-2022 post graduate report. We are super fortunate that the Graduate School agreed to be our financial sponsor for K-State programs to attend this event free of cost! Students are encouraged to bring their student ID for check-in and nametags. Student registration will be located in the Courtyard of the K-State Student Union.

“The Professional 1xbet sports betting (PGSF) provides a great opportunity for students to meet with representatives from different universities and graduate school programs and learn more about what each program has to offer and what is needed to be competitive when applying for graduate or professional school. It makes sense to connect students and alumni to professional and graduate school opportunities that align with their career goals and interests" said Chloe Wurst Edger, Assistant Director of the K-State Career Center and liaison to the College of Arts and Science.

Further questions about the event can be sent to Chloe at