Students are invited to the Media and Communications 1xbet sports betting Meet-Up

February 29, 2023 - The 1xbet sports betting Center invites students to attend the Media and Communications 1xbet sports betting Meet-Up from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 2. This in-person event will take place at the Berney Family Welcome Center. Students aren’t required to register before the event and all majors are welcome. Students can find more details about the event in Handshake and view the list of employers who will attend.

"Networking is something K-State students should take advantage of while in college, and the Media & Communications 1xbet sports betting meet-up gives students that chance to connect with employers personally and learn more about potential 1xbet sports betting paths in their field” said Chloe Wurst, Liaison to the College of Arts and Sciences.

Students can easily connect with industry representatives at small, high-top tables to learn more about job opportunities. Any student who wants to learn more about part-time and full-time careers, as well as internships in the Media and Communications industry is encouraged to attend.

Questions about the event can be directed to Chloe Wurst at