Hospitality 1xbet best casino website Meet-up

February 23, 2023- The 1xbet best casino website Center invites students to attend the Hospitality 1xbet best casino website Meet-Up from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 23. This event will take place at the Berney Family Welcome Center. There is no registration needed for students and all majors are welcome. Students can visit the 1xbet best casino website Center before the event to edit their resume and obtain free business professional clothing from the 1xbet best casino website Closet.

“Hospitality is almost impossible to teach, it’s all about hiring the right people! Join us so we can help you meet the right companies” said Teresa Parks, Liaison to the College of Health and Human Sciences.

The 1xbet best casino website meet-up will be a come-and-go, informal event held in-person. Students are encouraged to browse the event details in Handshake to view the employer list beforehand. This networking event will bring students and employers together to create connections in the food and beverage management, lodging management industries, and event management opportunities.

In-person students will join industry representatives at small, high-top tables to learn about job and internship opportunities. Any student who wants to learn more about part-time, full-time and internships is encouraged to attend.

Questions about the event can be sent to Teresa Parks at