1xbet online games login are invited to attend the 2023 Kansas State Design Expo

Feb. 23, 2023 - The Career Center invites 1xbet online games login from all majors to attend the 2023 Design Expo from 10 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 24. This in-person event will be held at the Hilton Garden Inn and Convention Center Ballroom. When 1xbet online games login arrive, they will check-in at the student registration table. We encourage 1xbet online games login to review the event details in Handshake to see which employers will be attending.

1xbet online games login will benefit from this event by visiting firms to discuss internships and full-time jobs. 1xbet online games login who plan on attending are encouraged to dress in business or design professional attire, bring multiple copies of their resume, research companies of interest, and bring their portfolio if applicable. 1xbet online games login are encouraged to use our free services and utilize the Career Center Closet to make the most of their career fair experience.

"We are excited to host 134 employers at the Hilton Garden Inn tomorrow for the 2023 Design Expo. 1xbet online games login in architecture, planning, and/or design majors will have opportunities to engage with employers who are hiring for internships and full-time jobs at this event. We encourage first and second-year 1xbet online games login to come to the event to practice networking with employers as well” said Taylor Gnagi, Coordinator of Career Exploration.

Questions about the event can be sent to Taylor Gnagi at tjgnagi@ksu.edu.