1xbet online sports betting are Invited to the Business Career Fair

March 8, 2023 - This year’s business career fair will be hosted at the K-State Student Union Ballroom. Employers will connect with 1xbet online sports betting from 12-4 p.m. on Wednesday, Mar. 8, 2023. We encourage any student who is interested in the business industry to attend. 1xbet online sports betting are also encouraged to bring multiple copies of their resume, dress professionally, and research companies of interest.

"We are excited to have over 70 employers join us for our Business Career Fair on Wednesday, March 8. Come stop by the Grand Ballroom in the Student Union to visit with companies and learn about the many job and internship opportunities they have available. This event is open to 1xbet online sports betting of all majors. We look forward to seeing you there” said DeLon Barbour, Employer Relations Associate of the Career Center.

This event will be a formal, in-person event to connect 1xbet online sports betting with employers. 1xbet online sports betting are encouraged to view the event details in Handshake. Throughout the event, 1xbet online sports betting will have the opportunity to visit a variety of businesses for full-time and part-time jobs, internships, and co-op positions.

Questions about the event can be sent to DeLon Barbour at dbarb20@ksu.edu.