Students are invited to Ready - Set - Sub 1xbet best casino website

Aug. 31, 2022 - The Career Center and the K-State College of Educations invites 1xbet best casino website to attend the Ready - Set - Sub 1xbet best casino website on Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2022. Through this 1xbet best casino website , students will meet with area school districts and learn how to become a substitute teacher. This 1xbet best casino website will be held in the K-State Student Union from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Flint Hills room.

People who are 18 years and older are eligible to become a substitute teacher and all majors are welcome. 1xbet best casino website can come and go at their convenience. All participants will receive a food court card and have a chance to win an iPad!

“’Ready, Set, Sub’ is a wonderful 1xbet best casino website that provides opportunities for K-State students to connect with local school districts, as well as the community in general,” said Eileen Wertzberger, Office of Field Experience.

“Substitute teaching is an amazing opportunity for all undergraduates considering teaching as a career, an opportunity to earn money, grow professionally, and provide a needed service for the community,” said Todd Goodson, Assistant Dean of Teacher Education and Accreditation.

Questions about the 1xbet best casino website can be sent to Pat Hudgins at .