The 1xbet online games login invites students to the 2022 Wildlife & Natural Resources Career Meet-Up

Oct. 12, 2022 — The K-State 1xbet online games login invites students to attend the Wildlife & Natural Resources Career Meet-Up. This event will take place at the Berney Family Welcome Center from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2022. Any student interested in connecting with employers in the natural resources and wildlife fields is encouraged to attend.

This is perfect event for casual networking, and it is a great way for students to connect with wildlife & natural resource organizations. This event will be a come-and-go, informal event held in-person. Students can drop by, as they please, to talk with representatives at small, high-top tables. There is no registration needed for students and all majors are welcome. Students are encouraged to browse the event details in Handshake to see which organizations will be attending.

“What’s great about this event is that it is a chance to speak face-to-face with representatives that are in the natural resources and wildlife profession. The organizations and employers are really excited to talk to students and share their knowledge. Students can learn how to gain experience in these fields and talk with employers about the possibilities of part-time jobs, internships or full-time opportunities in a low-pressure environment,” said Mary Ellen Barkley, Assistant Director of the K-State 1xbet online games login and liaison to the Colleges of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine.

Questions about the event can be sent to Mary Ellen Barkley at