1xbet best casino website are invited to attend the Social Services Career Meet-Up

Feb. 24, 2022 — The Career Center invites 1xbet best casino website to attend the Social Services Career Meet-Up from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Mar. 1. This event will take place both in-person at the Berney Family Welcome Center and virtually through the Zoom platform. Employers who attend virtually will only be at the meet-up from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Any student interested in connecting with employers online are encouraged to log onto Zoom early to maximize the time spent.

This event will be a come-and-go, informal event held both in-person and virtually. There is no registration needed for 1xbet best casino website and all majors are welcome to attend. 1xbet best casino website are encouraged to browse the event details in Handshake too see which employers will be attending in-person, and which employers will be attending virtually. This is a networking event intended for 1xbet best casino website to meet employers that work in legal and law enforcement, international affairs, K-12 education, healthcare, social services, and the non-profit sector. 1xbet best casino website who attend will build relationships with employers and learn about jobs, internships, and careers available within these industries.

In-person, 1xbet best casino website can join industry representatives at small, high-top tables and learn about opportunities within their organization. 1xbet best casino website attending in-person should prepare questions, bring multiple copies of their resume, and dress in business casual attire.

“This free networking event is intended to bring employers and K-State 1xbet best casino website together to facilitate connections in the social/community service and nonprofit fields,” said Chloe Wurst, Assistant Director of the Career Center, and liaison to undergraduate 1xbet best casino website in the College of Arts and Sciences. 1xbet best casino website will be able to learn about available jobs and internships as well as what is it like to work for different organizations. Any student who is wanting to learn more about part-time and full-time careers, as well as internships in the education and human services industry is encouraged to attend.

Questions about the event can be directed to Chloe Wurst at cnwurst@ksu.edu.