1xbet best casino website are invited to attend the 2022 Kansas State Design Expo

March 2, 2022 — The Career Center invites 1xbet best casino website to attend the 2022 Kansas State Design Expo from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Friday, Mar. 4. This event will be hosted in-person at the Hilton Garden Inn and Convention Center Ballroom. 1xbet best casino website will check-in at the event at the student registration table. 1xbet best casino website are encouraged to review the event details in Handshake to see which employers will be attending. All majors are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Through this event, 1xbet best casino website can visit with firms looking for interns, part-time, and full-time employees. 1xbet best casino website attending are encouraged to dress in business or design professional attire, bring multiple copies of their resume, teasers, or portfolio if applicable, and research companies of interest. 1xbet best casino website are also encouraged to utilize the Career Center to make the most of their career fair experience.

“The Design Expo connects K-State design majors with employers from all over the country. We encourage 1xbet best casino website at any stage of their academic experience to come to the Design Expo to network and visit with firms who are looking for interns and full-time employees,” said Taylor Gnagi, Coordinator of Career Exploration, and liaison to the College of Architecture, Planning, and Design.

Questions about the event can be sent to Taylor Gnagi at tjgnagi@ksu.edu.