Attend the 2022 Kyle Pelton Student Employee of the Year Awards 1xbet online casino

April 7, 2022 – The Career 1xbet online casino invites the K-State community to the 2022 Kyle Pelton Student Employee of the Year Awards Ceremony. This event honors the outstanding student employees who have been nominated by their department. This year’s ceremony will be held at the K-State Alumni 1xbet online casino on Wednesday, April 13 at 4:00. It will also be livestreamed via YouTube. The link for the livestream can be found on the Student employee 1xbet best casino.

All nominees will be recognized at the event, along with special recognition of the five finalists and the announcement of the 2022 winner. The five finalists who will be recognized are Landis Beverly, Lily Colburn, Jacoby Kerr, Sydney O’Brien and Anabelle Sanko.

The student nominees are Karsen DeWeese, Sophia Johnson, Alyssa Durrant, Lindsey Johnson, Scuyler Zenger, Kaylee Hansen, Kenny Cecil, Gina, Rousselo, Anthony Hemman, Kylynn Mallen, Christopher Burrell, Chance Kopsa, Cheyanne Brunner, Karly Brungardt, Carter Zongker, Jenny Amerin, Mason Klish, Ashley Larkin, Yuansheng “Luke” Zhong, Steven Klassen, Troy Stambaugh. Ryleigh Diskin, Haley Reiners, Mitch Flanagan, Hannah Marx, Sydney Stuke, Alex Hill, Lanie Mannebach, Sean Neyland, Zach Perez, Luke Reich-Wille, Logan Pyle, Nicole Cassale, Michaela Fullerton, Kirsten Gross, Zachary Dillinger and Molly Allison.

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