Winner Announced for the 2022 Kyle Pelton student 1xbet sports betting Employee of the Year

April 22, 2022 — The K-State Career 1xbet sports betting wishes to congratulate Landis Beverly, kitchen assistant at Lacy’s in Hospitality Management in the College of Health and Human Sciences, on his selection as winner of the Kyle Pelton Student Employee of the Year Award.

Beverly, along with four finalists and 36 nominees were honored April 13 in a ceremony held at the Alumni 1xbet sports betting . Supervisors and department heads from across K-State nominated these exceptional student workers, all of whom displayed reliability, initiative, and professionalism in their positions - as well as a defining story that distinguished them from the competition.

“I can't describe how grateful I am to win this award! Being someone who's not from Kansas or grew up around a 1xbet sports betting family, hearing that ‘you follow the principles of the Wildcat Way and truly embody what makes 1xbet sports betting great’ brings tears to my eyes. I am extremely proud to receive this award but even more proud to be a part of the Kansas State Family that makes this place truly special. Thank you to Ericka, and to everyone else that made this possible! Your support is why I do what I do.,” Beverly said.

Of the students nominated, there were five students chosen as finalists. Those students are Beverly, Lily Colburn from Leadership Studies, Jacoby Kerr from Agronomy/KSU Foundation Seed, Sydney O’Brien from the Office of Recruitment and Admissions and Anabelle Sanko from Powercat Financial.

The Kyle Pelton Student Employee of the Week Award is part of National Student Employment Week. On the Career 1xbet sports betting Student, the 1xbet sports betting community will find a link to the ceremony and more information about the finalists, as well as a list of ways that supervisors can celebrate their student employees.