Students Are Invited to Attend the Virtual Social Services career 1xbet sports betting Meet-Up

The 1xbet sports betting invites students to attend the virtual Social Services Career Meet-Up from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, Mar. 30. Students need to register for the event in Handshake. Once registered, they will be able to access the Zoom link for the event.

Students will join the event from Handshake and be directed to a Zoom room. From there, the 1xbet sports betting will provide virtual meeting links for each employer registered for the meet-up and students can come-and-go to each virtual room to meet and network with organizations. It is recommended that students prepare for the evening by reviewing the list of employers attending and preparing conversational questions.

“This career meet-up will serve as the last spring networking event. There are many great organizations registered and ready to meet with our students," said Jaci Kolm, 1xbet sports betting Assistant Director and liaison to the College of Health and Human Sciences. "We hope students will take advantage of the oppportunity to learn more about "helping" career opportunities."

This free networking event is intended to bring employers and students together to facilitate connections in the social/community services and nonprofit fields. Some students may be seeking part-time, internship, or full-time opportunities, while others are wanting to meet professionals to learn more about the field.

Questions about the event can be sent to Kolm at