2021 1xbet online casino Celebration

Nominations for the 2021 Kyle Pelton 1xbet online casino are now being accepted. Any student who is on the student employee payroll, and serves in an official student employee position, is eligible. The student chosen will be selected based on their reliability, quality of work, initiative, professionalism and their defining story.

To nominate a student worker, complete the nomination form by Friday, Feb. 26 at 5 p.m. Save-the-date for a virtual awards ceremony on Wednesday, April 14.

At K-State, our student employees perform invaluable services with enthusiasm, dedication and initiative. Many departments depend on the contributions of this reliable workforce for their daily operations. This is a way for departments to recognize their outstanding student employees. “The 1xbet online casino awards is a great way to share about the amazing work our students complete in our departments while balancing school and other activities. It such a fun experience to get to hear about all of the student employees on campus who are giving 110%,” said Christa Dell’Isola, program assistant for the Career Center and coordinator of the program.

To learn more about the Kyle Pelton 1xbet online casino award and past winners visit Student emp.

Questions about the nomination process can be sent to Dell’Isola at christadellisola@ksu.edu.