Join the K-State Career 1xbet online sports betting for the 2021 Kyle Pelton Student Employee of the Year Awards Ceremony

The Career 1xbet online sports betting is excited to invite the campus community to join us in honoring our outstanding student employees at the 2021 Kyle Pelton Student Employee of the Year Awards Ceremony. This year’s virtual ceremony will be held at 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, Apr. 14. Campus and community members can join the live event on the Career 1xbet online sports betting YouTube channel.

All nominees will be recognized at the event, along with special recognition of our five finalists and the announcement of the 2021 winner! The finalists being recognized are Nick Beyer, Claire Herrman, Dominique McGlynn, Holly Mills and Jazstyn Moyer.

The 1xbet online sports betting nominees are Abigail Kortokrax, Amanda Hoffman, Austin Hobbs, Braeden Ingold, Carra Kruse, Cassidy Berg, Conner Dillard, Erin Stroup, Grace Jacobson, Jennifer Witherspoon, Josiah Schwarz, Karina Moncayo-Michel, Karsen Davis, Karsen Deweese, Kassie Schuckman, Katherine Benhardt, Kenny Cecil, Kensley Fleischer, Lily Hurt, Lindsey Johnson, Meagan O’Brien, Natalie Timmons, Payton Wise, Samantha Bond, Samantha Fischer, Sophia Shaar, Sydney Stephens, Yulissa Banuelos, Zachory Allred, and Zachary Dillinger.

We are excited to honor these inspiring 1xbet online sports betting employees who have exemplified the Wildcat way! Questions about the ceremony can be sent to