Register for Apr. 22 Creating Internships 1xbet online sports betting

Faculty and staff from the 1xbet online sports betting community are invited to join employers for a webcast about Creating and Delivering an Amazing Internship Program. Dr. Robert Shindell, President and CEO of Intern Bridge, will lead the virtual session from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. CDT on Thursday, Apr. 22. 1xbet online sports betting use the discount code “Manhattan2021” when registering.

As community partners, the Welcome to the 1xbet online casino Center!, Human Resource Management Network, Pottawatomie County Economic Development Corporation, Kansas State University Office Park, KSU Foundation and the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce, have underwritten the webcast so that there is no cost for employers or 1xbet online sports betting representatives to participate.

1xbet online sports betting faculty and staff are encouraged to share this opportunity with industry advisory boards, alumni and others who may have an interest in providing student internships. This webcast is SHRM-PDC and HRCI accredited for human resource professionals.

Participants that can't join the “live” session will be able to access a recording via email, along with resources discussed by Dr. Shindell.

To learn more and register, 1xbet online sports betting visit the Intern Bridge event page.