The 1xbet best casino website Invites Students to Kickoff

The K-State 1xbet best casino website team invites students to join us for yard games, snacks and a t-shirt giveaway! The 1xbet best casino website Kickoff will be hosted from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 26, on the north lawn of the Berney Family Welcome Center.

Students will have the opportunity to activate their Handshake account, meet on-campus employers currently hiring and ask questions about career services available to students. Career advisors provide free career planning support to students including major and career exploration, resume and cover letter writing, internship and job searches, mock interviews and more.

“We’re really excited to connect with students at this fun event and show students how easy it is to use our services. It’s also a great chance for students to talk with on-campus employers who currently have openings,” said 1xbet best casino website Assistant Director Mary Ellen Barkley “We help students, — from freshman to graduate — make the most of the skills and knowledge they’re gaining here at K-State and guide them on their path to a great career.”

The 1xbet best casino website is excited to have students back on campus! Questions about the event can be sent to