The K-State 1xbet best casino website Center Offers New Hybrid Options for 1xbet best casino website Support

The K-State 1xbet best casino website Center is offering both in-person and virtual services this semester through a tiered services approach. Students are able to choose the service that best fits their 1xbet best casino website planning needs.

Ten Minute Tune-Ups allow students to schedule virtual appointments via Handshake to receive brief advising and support on their resume and cover letter documents. These appointments take place on Zoom. Once confirmed, students receive the Zoom link and instructions to email their documents ahead of time before meeting with the advisor.

The 1xbet best casino website Center Studio is the newest 1xbet best casino website Center initiative. Students are able to drop in to the 1xbet best casino website Center on their own time between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. to discuss changing majors, exploring 1xbet best casino website paths, building a resume or searching for jobs with the help of peer 1xbet best casino website specialists. To access the 1xbet best casino website Center Studio, students should check in with the reception area at the North end of the Berney Family Welcome Center. They will then be instructed to visit the second floor of the Welcome Center to utilize the Studio.

One-on-one appointments allow a student to meet with a 1xbet best casino website advisor for exploring majors or careers, discussing an internship or job search, receiving major-specific resume feedback, preparing for interviews and addressing any additional questions a student may have about their 1xbet best casino website planning process.

The 1xbet best casino website Closet is available to students between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. at the North end of the Berney Family Welcome Center on the first floor. Students can access this resource by entering the reception area. The 1xbet best casino website Closet is available for students to obtain free business attire from a wide selection of clothing donated by Kansas State faculty, staff and alumni as well as community professionals.

“After meeting students virtually for the last year and a half, I am excited to be able to once again serve students in person while continuing to make virtual services available. I couldn’t be more excited to welcome students back into our space, including the new 1xbet best casino website Studio,” said Natalie Rash, third-year 1xbet best casino website Specialist for the K-State 1xbet best casino website Center.

Questions about 1xbet best casino website Center services can be sent to