Over 300 Employers will 1xbet online sports betting Attend the All-University Career Fair In-Person and Virtually

The K-State Career Center is excited to introduce 1xbet online sports betting to more than 300 employers during the four-day All-University Career Fair that will be hosted in-person at Bramlage Coliseum Sept. 21, 22 and 23 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. CDT and online via Handshake on Sept. 24 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. CDT. 1xbet online sports betting are invited to attend one or more days with different employers throughout the week!

The fair days are organized in the following way:

  • Tuesday, Sept. 21 - Employers recruiting 1xbet online sports betting interested in Agriculture and Business.
  • Wednesday, Sept. 22 - Employers and graduate programs recruiting 1xbet online sports betting in all majors.
  • Thursday, Sept. 23 - Employers recruiting 1xbet online sports betting interested in Engineering and Technology.
  • Friday, Sept. 24 - Virtual only! Employers recruiting all 1xbet online sports betting .

Before the fair, 1xbet online sports betting should register in Handshake for each fair day of interest. The fair can be found under the “Fairs” tab in Handshake. For the virtual day only, 1xbet online sports betting should register for the fair in Handshake and pre-schedule available sessions.

For each in-person day of the fair, 1xbet online sports betting will be able to meet with employers at Bramlage Coliseum from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. For the virtual day only, 1xbet online sports betting will need to login to scheduled group and 1:1 sessions.

After the fair, 1xbet online sports betting will be invited to participate in a student survey to win daily prizes. 1xbet online sports betting may also be invited to participate in interviews by employers.

1xbet online sports betting may find more career fair and resume tips by visiting the Career Center website. The Career Studio is available for drop-in advising Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Berney Family Welcome Center. Ten Minute Tune-Ups are scheduled, virtual appointments that are offered via Handshake. 1xbet online sports betting will also find information in Handshake about Late Night Resume Madness which will drop-in resume critiques Monday, Sept. 20 from 7 to 10 p.m.

Questions about the All-University Career Fair can be sent to careercenter@ksu.edu.