2020 All-University 1xbet online games login Fair Announcement

The K-State 1xbet online games login Center invites students to participate in the annual All-University 1xbet online games login Fair. Students will need to register for the fair and sign up for sessions to engage with employers. The 1xbet online games login fair will take place online via Handshake from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, Sept. 21, to Thursday, Sept. 24. Students will find the fair days listed under the “Fairs” tab in their Handshake account. A comprehensive, mobile-first student support page walks students through the steps of registering for a fair day, signing up for sessions and attending sessions. Each day of the fair will focus on a different set of 1xbet online games login interest areas. The days are organized in the following way:

Monday, Sept. 21: Agriculture, Health, Science/Math, Vet Medicine
Tuesday, Sept. 22: Business, Communications, Hospitality, Visual Arts
Wednesday, Sept. 23: Education, Government, Humanities, Social Services
Thursday, Sept. 24: Architecture, Aviation, Computer Science, Engineering

Participating employers have the opportunity to schedule 10-minute one-on-one sessions and 30-minute group sessions with students. The 1xbet online games login Center will help students prepare for the fair by extending drop-in advising hours during Resume Prep Week and hosting a “dress rehearsal” fair. Additionally, students can find answers to the questions they may have about this online format in the 1xbet online games. Next-day interviews will still be facilitated by employers using the employer’s platform of choice. More information will be shared via the 1xbet online games login fair stude soon.

“With all the uncertainty these days, it is truly inspiring to see that over 300 employers are participating in the fair, and that they are committed to recruiting K-State students for jobs and internships. That says a lot about the quality of our students and what they bring to the table when they take their K-State education out into the world,” said Mary Ellen Barkley, assistant director and liaison to the College of Agriculture.

The 1xbet online games login Center continues to offer 1xbet best casino website, Monday through Thursday, noon to 4 p.m. CDT through the fall semester for brief resume and cover letter critiques. In addition to using Handshake to participate in 1xbet online games login fairs and search for job opportunities, students are encouraged to activate their account for ease of appointment scheduling with 1xbet online games login advisors. Advisors continue to extend services for job search assistance, resume and cover letter critiques, personal statement feedback and mock interviews.

“Whether in person or online, we want to provide an exceptional, highly engaging 1xbet online games login fair experience for both students and employers. We look forward to seeing lots of students at the fair!” said Dr. Kerri Keller, Executive Director of the 1xbet online games login Center.

Questions about the event can be sent to Keller at careercenter@k-state.edu