hospitality 1xbet sports betting Career Meet-Up

1xbet sports betting to Host Hospitality Career Meet-Up

Feb. 3, 2019 — The K-State 1xbet sports betting will host the Hospitality Career Meet-Up from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 6, at the Berney Family Welcome Center. Students interested in opportunities in the food and beverage management, meeting and event management, and lodging management fields are encouraged to attend.

This free networking event will allow students to connect with employers and learn more about full-time, part-time and internship positions. The list of employers attending can be found on Handshake.

Business casual dress is preferred and attendees should bring multiple copies of their resume. Students can update their resume prior to the event with the Create a Successful 1xbet sports bett

For additional information about the Hospitality Career Meet-Up, please visit the 1xbet sports betting website.