Exclusive Student Event: Suit Up with the Career 1xbet online casino and JCPenney

Dec. 19, 2018 — The Career 1xbet online casino and JCPenney are partnering to bring K-State students a chance to purchase all regular, sale and discounted professional attire for an additional 40 percent off.

This event will take place from 6:30-9:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 10, in the JCPenney store at Manhattan Town 1xbet online casino .

Select apparel includes suits, dresses, blazers, dress pants, shoes and accessories. In addition to the 40 percent off, there will be free goodie bags, Sephora makeovers, a LinkedIn photo booth and more. Students also can be entered into a raffle to win prizes by bringing canned goods or hygiene products for Cats’ Cupboard.

Participants must show their K-State ID at the door to attend the event. For more information about the event or the Career 1xbet online casino , please visit the Career 1xbet online casino website.

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