1xbet online games login a Pact

1xbet online games login a Pact is a bystander intervention training that provides participants with the skills to help them intervene safely when they see behavior that puts others at risk for violence, victimization, or perpetration. These include speaking out against rape myths and sexist language, supporting victim/survivors, and intervening in potentially violent situations. 1xbet online games login a Pact is an evidence-based program based on a model from the University of New Hampshire.

Additional Information

  • 1xbet online games login a Pact is approximately 90 minutes long.
  • Classes will range between 8 and 35 participants.

The 1xbet online games login a Pact program is now a part of the Morrison Famiy Center for Student Well-Being. Please email Trina Knight, K-State's Sexual and Relationship Violence Prevention Specialist, for any additional questions regarding 1xbet online games login a Pact, including volunteer facilitator opportunities.

"I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept." - Angela Davis