Survivors' Rights

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Title IX prohibits discrimination, exclusion, denial, limitation, or separation based on gender in educational programs or activities. Title IX is not just for athletes- it protects all students and can apply to employees, too. Title IX protects, whether the harassment is aimed at gay or lesbian 1xbet sports betting orientation, or is perpetrated by individuals of the same or opposite sex.

“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participating in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” 1xbet sports betting of The Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. §§ 1681 – 1688

Under Title IX the university has an obligation to maintain academic, housing, and work environments free of discrimination and harassment- including 1xbet sports betting harassment and 1xbet sports betting violence.

Learn more about K-State’s 1xbet sports betting provide the ART with a.

Survivor's Options

As a student who has experienced sexual violence 1xbet sports betting have the right to:

  • 1xbet sports betting have a right to an educational environment free of harassment or retaliation
  • 1xbet sports betting have the right to report to the university if 1xbet sports betting have experienced sexual, dating or domestic violence, stalking or sexual harassment through the Office of Institutional Equity
  • 1xbet sports betting have the right to interim housing and academic measures
  • 1xbet sports betting have the right to counseling and support
  • 1xbet sports betting have the right to seek legal action against the perpetrator by reporting to the police
  • 1xbet sports betting have the right to request that no further action be taken by the university
  • 1xbet sports betting have the right to a support person throughout the university investigative process
  • 1xbet sports betting have the right to preserve physical evidence of an assault through a sexual assault forensic exam, free of charge and with or without reporting to law enforcement (Learn more)
  • 1xbet sports betting have the right to apply for Crime Victims Compensation through the Kansas Attorney General (Learn more)
  • 1xbet sports betting have the right to appeal a determination or sanction
  • 1xbet sports betting have the right to seek legal advice
  • 1xbet sports betting have the right to access a grievance process through the Office of Civil Rights

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