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  • 1xbet online sports betting entered here will be included on the full K-State event calendar and possibly the homepage calendar unless Visibility is set to Restricted - Widgets.
    • Note: Research and Extension local unit 1xbet online sports betting should be marked the the event type KSRE Local. This helps us deliver geographically relevant 1xbet online sports betting to users. All KSRE 1xbet online sports betting can be found at https://1xbet online sports betting
  • With that in mind, be sure the Title of your 1xbet online sports betting are clear and can stand alone in a university calendar listing. For example, a title of "Closed" may confuse a reader that the entire university is closed. Create a specific title like, "Purple County KSRE Office Closed."
  • Don't recreate central 1xbet online sports betting , such as first day of classes, State Fair or All-University Open House, national holidays, in your calendar. Those 1xbet online sports betting should be listed in the calendar by their owner (Registrar's Office, Research and Extension, etc.).

  • If you are co-sponsoring an event, communicate with the other sponsor about who will add the event to the calendar and take ownership (editing rights).
  • Don't duplicate time, date or location information in the title or description fields.